March 22, 2011

Lighting the Hallway

I've been looking for ways to light my hallway, and so far the destroyed ceiling approach seems the best, since it manages to maintain the abandoned look. A fire may also work, although I still need to decide on a source for the fire.

March 13, 2011

Freecity Textures Test Map

Taking a break from my abandoned school map, I decided to play around with Hiyougami's excellent Freecity textures, downloadable here.

March 07, 2011

Hallway Progress

I've now expanded the hallway a little, added another room and what I think is a pretty cool destroyed section. I tend not to use displacements in my maps very much, so this was a bit of a learning curve. Again, lighting is just there so you can see what's going on, I'll probably add some floodlights in later.

March 06, 2011

Detailing a hallway

Inspired by this tutorial, I decided to have a go at creating a simple corridor and just detailing the hell out of it. I just threw a bunch of light entities in for the compile, so I'll post more pics when I've got the lighting how I want it.